Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Lovely day for it..

Saturday was World Wide Knit in Public day, which I knew way in advance but really only got organised last Thursday.  So we decided at short notice to sit outside my shop and knit. It was a gorgeous day.  I cast on my extreme knitting needles which I actually bought last year but have not really had a good enough excuse to use them since..they are not ideal for knitting on the sofa ;) or in my shop which is so packed full there is not even room to stand them up straight!
and she's off ha! it was a great fun knitting with them, i had cut up a few of my t-shirts the night before to make a giant ball to knit. This is going to be a strip to go on the knitted tree.
It knitted very quickly :) Bridgette (one of my angel knitters) and Maria (aka Wonder woman) joined me for the morning.
Then Roz and Alice (aka ladypole on Ravelry) joined me for the afternoon , Kate and Jill also came along for a bit of knitting so we were outside from 10-5pm which was really good going and we must have got enough knitting done to cover the trunk of the tree. Ha ra!
Arthur was very good and played by himself for most of the day..we had a lovely picnic by the river after i finished work so that made him happy.
I must just say a huge thanks to all the ladies that joined me, it was great to be out in the sun all day. 
 I may put my spinning wheel outside one sunny day soon at sit all day producing yarn, of course I do expect to get interrupted by customers :)


  1. Brilliant, love the mega needles, how cool?! I would like some but would have to sell a child to make room, haha!

  2. it was a fun morning, only wished i could have stayed and played all day!!! still can't get my blurry camera to work which is a shame cos the pics were lovely!


  3. Daisie, they don't take that much room except when used for knitting, but they are very dangerous around children..unless you can get them to stand still and lift the ends up making it easier for knitting ;) ha! x

    Maria it would have been great if you stayed all are welcome anytime to sit outside and knit X hope u find a way of getting your camera to did take better pics than me :) x

  4. Looks great fun; I did get up to Gillingham recently, ont heSaturday I said I would, but couldn;t find your shop...............:(

    Will try again, and may appear for Monday night knitting, but will forewarn you!
    I've been thinking about knitting for a tree or so int he garden here.........
    I've got a lovely 12' x12' tent up here for a summer workshop - now full of looms, wheels, knitting and fleece. happy days.

    MrsL (Blackmore Vale)
