This is what happened to the beads I was making, this is a picture of six of my new necklaces. There have been requests for one as above which I am working on at the moment. A collection of these necklaces went straight into
Cream in
Frome as they look fantastic on
Avrils gorgeous knitwear.

I have also been experimenting making fabric beads.. and since making these have been on a bit of an adventure. Back in January I put my name down to attend
The Best Of British Open at Liberty London, and a couple of weeks ago I got an e-mail with the details on it. I became very excited and decided to make some of the fabric beads with Vintage Liberty Fabrics and luckily
Donna Flower was able to provide the most perfect fabrics. I didn't really sleep much over the 14 days leading
upto the 2
nd of April. My mind was buzzing, 'what if they did like my things how could I cope with the orders', (I do have an army of knitters and crocheters that would help) 'what if they didn't like them' etc etc. Mainly I was going for the experience and whatever happened I was going to have a great day.

I used the Liberty fabrics wrapped around curtain rings as well as making the beads and embellishing them. I also wrapped the fabrics around
woooden beads and did a few embroidery stitches to give it a bit of texture.

The one above is quite a long one and one of my favorites, I really should have worn it on the day!

I got to Liberty fairly late, about 11 and there was none of the queuing I expected. I went straight in and up the stairs to a waiting area signed in and was offered coffee and tea, much more relaxing than I thought. I spent the next couple of hours nattering and people watching. There were some amazing designers there.

When I went in to do my pitch I was
sooo nervous, your given 3 minutes. I started talking about my work and the first thing I took out of my bag was a necklace nearly 2 metres long which I had made to look like the one at the top, I was sort of going for the vogue look. I think I probably came across as absolute
beginner and not at all the person I am with 24 years experience in retail ;) I then showed some of my other work. The people judging had really already decided that my work would not suit Liberty and felt it was a 'niche' market. Ah well I did my best, and was so glad I did it. It was something I had been dreaming about since my 20's and maybe one day
I'l go back who knows. The only thing I think about getting in later was that the buyers had probably seen 300 people each before we all went in and it must have been such a tiring day. If you think you've got what it takes they are doing another one in August. I would say dress quirky and wear what you are selling if is jewellery or clothing.
I now have a really strong collection of work and 6 Galleries interested in stocking them, which is probably a bit easier to do and fits more with this years plan!
What brilliant things you have made !!